Mgr. Andrej ROZEMBERG, PhD.
is a philosopher and research associate of UCM CB with a special interest in ontology, animal ethics, anthropology and classical Indian philosophy. He is an assistant professor and faculty member of the Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts of University Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia.
Contact: andrej.rozemberg. (at) ucmsk

Professional interests: Metaphysics of the self; Memory and personal identity; Philosophy of altruism; Gift giving in anthropological perspective; Animal ethics; Philosophy of religion; Ancient and medieval Indian philosophy
Consultancy expertise: Personal Identity; Philosophical aspects of “self - memory” relationship; Memory loss and moral responsibility; Simple view on personal identity; Memory and quasi-memory; Classical Indian philosophy.
Teaching experience: Philosophical anthropology (undergraduate course, lectures); Ontology (undergraduate course, seminar); Indian Philosophy (undergraduate course, lectures); Chinese Philosophy (undergraduate course, lectures); Moral constraints and animals (graduate course, lectures); Religionistics (undergraduate course, lectures); Basics of philosophy (undergraduate course, lectures); Philosophy of man (undergraduate course, lectures); Environmental ethics (graduate course, lectures).
Selected publications and presentations

Minulé životy Johna Locka: morálna zodpovednosť a pamäťové kritérium osobnej identity = Past Lives of John Locke: Moral Responsibility and the Memory Criterion of Personal Identity. Filozofia 73 (6), 458-468.
Pamäť, rekognícia a osobná identita v klasickej indickej filozofii = Memory, Recognition and Personal Identity in Classical Indian Philosophy. Filozofia 73 (3), 224-234.
Astronautka Astrid a jej úbohá mačka = Astronaut Astrid and her poor cat. Kraków: Towarzystwo Slowaków v Polsce.
Dar tela v bráhmanskej etike a jeho súčasné podoby = The Gift of the Body in Brahminical Ethics and Its Contemporary Forms. Filozofia 69 (6), 536-542.
Oceán štedrosti = Ocean of generosity. Kraków: Towarzystwo Slowaków v Polsce.
Dána-dharma: Zákon daru = Dana-dharma: The law of gift. In: Sýkora, P. (ed.): Altruizmus, reciprocita a solidarita. Trnava: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave. Centrum pre bioetiku, 114-164.
Jemelka, P., Lesňák, S., Rozemberg, A.: Environmentalizmus a slovenská filozofia = Environmentalism and Slovak philosophy. Trnava: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave.
Miznutie zraniteľného = The disappearance of the vulnerable. In: B. Šulavíková, E. Višňovský (eds.): Ľudská prirodzenosť a kultúrna identita. Bratislava: Iris.
Privilegovaný pohľad = Privileged view. Filozofia 61 (8), 631-664.
Anesteziológia pôžitku = Anesthesiology of pleasure. In: Krob, J., Višňovský, E. (eds.): Člověk– Příroda – Kultura. Brno: Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 47-54.
The Trouble With The Other. Human Affairs 14, 71-84.
Cesty k dialogickému mysleniu = Paths to dialogical thinking. Filozofia 57 (9), 631-650.