Analysis of philosophical and ethical dimensions of NBIC-technologies concerning human enhancement
Project code: APVV-0379-12
Principal investigator: Prof. RNDr. Peter Sýkora, PhD.
Investigators (researches): Mgr. Jana Tomašovičová, PhD., Mgr. Juraj Odorčák, PhD., Mgr. Peter Hutta, Mgr. Jana Raganová, Mgr. Lucia Gráfová
Cooperating institution: The Institute for Research in Social Communication at SAS in Bratislava. Prof. PhDr. Emil Višňovský, CSc., Doc. PhDr. Gabriel Bianchi, CSc., Mgr. Miroslav Popper, CSc., Mgr. Magda Petrjánošová, PhD.
Time period: 10/2013 - 09/2017
Amount of approved funds: 146 966 EUR
Description: The project analysed philosophical and ethical impacts of NBIC technologies and their specific application on human enhancement.

Analysis of the impacts of emergent technologies on society and individuals
Supporting agency: European Regional Development Fund, Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of SR
Time period: 2016 – 2019
Description: The research project focused on innovative product development RIS 3: Support for non-technological innovations using social sciences and humanities, especially regarding the impacts of technology (creative industry) on society and individuals.

A comparison of utilitarian and deontological systems of ethics of science in the field of embryonic cell research
Project code: APVV LPP-0017-06
Principal investigator: mim. prof. doc. RNDr. Peter Sýkora, PhD.
Investigators (researches): Mgr. Jana Tomašovičová, PhD.
Supporting agency: Slovak Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic
Time period: 2006 – 2009
Description: The purpose of the project was to compare the application of the utilitarian and deontological ethical systems concerning the controversial medical usage of embryonic stem cells. We will primarily focused on the concepts from the Anglo-Saxon and German systems of law and ethics.

E-learning as an innovative method for teaching bioethics
Supporting aggency: Kega Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic
Time period: 2013 – 2015
Amount of approved funds: 4 423 Eur
Description: The project created an innovative presenatation of bioethics that integrated theories and principles of biomedicine and environmental ethics through e-learning applications.

Bioethical dilemmas as challenges and inspirations for rethinking specific fundamental philosophical questions
Project code: VEGA č. 1/3603/0
Supporting agency: Vega Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic
Time period: 2006 – 2008

Ownership regulation in European science, ethics and legislation: The problems regarding human tissues
Project code: MVTS – 6RP/SAS6-CT-2003-510239 PROPEUR
Principal investigator: mim. prof. doc. RNDr. Peter Sýkora, PhD.
Time period: 2006 – 2009