
Areas of Ecopoetics
At the international and interdisciplinary conference "Areas of Ecopoetics" will have presentation in the section Bioethics prof. Peter Sýkora, dr. Bogumiła Suwara, dr. Andrej Rozemberg, doc. Jana Tomašovičová, mgr. Tomáš Gašpar, dr. Tomáš Károly and mgr. Kristián Valachovič.
You can watch the conference from the bioethics section online via Zoom:
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Password: 1111
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Areas of Ecopoetic_program.pdf
Areas of Ecopoetic_program.pdf – 1,3 MB

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Prague school of Bioethics
International conference
20. – 21. october 2022
Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, V Úvalu 84, Czechia
In the Vaccination section Prof. RNDr. Peter Sýkora, PhD. from the Centre for Bioethics at UCM will also present his topic Biopolitics of COVID-19 Vaccination - The Slovak Case. More information about the program and speakers can be found here:

Multidimensional Character of Post- and Trans- Humanism
Scientific Symposium With International Participation
23. - 26. August 2021
Congress Centre SAS, Smolenice Castle
Speakers include: David Černý (Karel Čapek Center), Adam Doležal (Czech Academy of Science, CZ), Martin Zielina (Charles University, CZ), Jana Kostincová (University of Hradec Králové), Peter Sýkora (UCM Centre for Bioethics), Bogumila Suwara (Slovak Academy of Science, SK), Ivan Lacko (Comenius University) Matúš Porubjak (University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius), Jana Tomašovičová (Centre for Bioethics UCM), Juraj Odorčák (Centre for Bioethics UCM), Jozef Lenč (University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius), Peter Takáč and Ondrej Hriadeľ (University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius)

Modern Bio-Discourse and Blurring Borders
International Scientific Workshop
11. November 2020
Bratislava, Slovakia / Online
The dynamic development of modern life sciences in the field of gene modifications, human enhancement or the synthetic creation of new forms of life has brought with it several changes and far-reaching transformations that require increased attention of modern humanities. One of the most significant phenomena can be considered the multilevel crossing of the borders between different scientific disciplines and the erasure of the validity of existing identification criteria, interpretive frameworks and assessment standards. The prepared international scientific workshop aims to consistently respond to this current situation and analyze the shifts in borders from three philosophical perspectives, namely from an ontological, epistemological and ethical perspective. Another intention is to map the current transdisciplinary crossing of borders between bio-scientific and artistic discourses.

Promises and Perils of Emerging Technologies for Human Condition
International Symposium
7. November 2016
Bratislava, Slovakia
Centre for Bioethics UCM, Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava in cooperation with Institute for Research in Social Communication Slovak Academy of Sciences cordially invite you to attend the Interantional Symposium Promises and Perils of Emerging Technologies for Human Condition.
The Internationl Symposium Promises and Perils of Emerging Technologies for Human Condition was funded by Slovak Research and Development Agency (SRDA/APVV) grant No. APVV 379-12.

Nano-Bio-Info-Cognitive Technologies and the Human of XXI Century
Multidisciplinary Conference
27. November 2015
Bratislava, Slovakia
Centre for Bioethics UCM, Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava in cooperation with Institute for Research in Social Communication Slovak Academy of Sciences cordially invite you to attend the multidisciplinary conference.
The multidisciplinary conference Nano-bio-info-cognitive technologies and XXI. century human was funded by Slovak Research and Development Agency (SRDA/APVV) grant No. APVV 379-12.