doc. Mgr. Jana TOMAŠOVIČOVÁ, PhD.
is a philosopher, assistant professor, research associate and deputy director of CB UCM with a special interest in 20th-century philosophy, phenomenology, hermeneutics, as well as contemporary bioethical issues emerging from new technologies. She analyzes the impact of biotechnologies on traditional social, ethical and anthropological concepts and their relevancy in new conditions. During bioethical research, she attended several shorter study and research stays in different universities (Heidelberg, Tübingen, Bonn and Zürich).
Contact: jana.tomasovicova. (at) ucmsk

Professional interests: Neuroenhancement; Synthetic biology; Biopower and biopolitics, Transhumanism; Existencial analytics; Social ontology
Consultancy expertise: Ethics and social aspects of neuroenhancement; Philosophical anthropology and new forms of life; Ethical and biopolitical discourse on transhumanism; Biosociality; Heidegger and social ontology
Managerial competencies: Organization of international conferences, workshops and lecture courses
Teaching experience: History of modern philosophy (undergraduate course, lectures), History of philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries (undergraduate course, lectures), Phenomenology and hermeneutics (graduate course, lectures), Philosophy of dialogue (graduate course, lectures), Heidegger and the social sciences (graduate course, lectures)
Miscellaneous: Modern art, biology, physics
Selected publications and presentations

O človeku, myslení a technike. Štúdie k dielu Martina Heideggera = About man, mind and technology. Studies on the work of Martin Heidegger. Trnava: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave. 148 p. ISBN 978-80-572-0018-5.
Relevance of ontological and anthropological concepts in synthetic biology. In: Sýkora, P. (ed.): Promises and perils of emerging technologies for human condition. Voices from four postcommunist Central and East European countries. Berlin: Peter Lang, p. 124-139. ISBN 978-3-631-77512-7.
Data Transformation in Heterotopic Space. In: Suwara, B. – Pisarski, M. (eds.): Remediation: Crossing Discursive Boundaries. Central European Perspective. Berlin: Peter Lang, p. 75-90. ISBN 978-3-631-79504-0.
Problém autonómie a zodpovednosti v kontexte moderných neurotechnológií = The problem of autonomy and responsibility in the context of modern neurotechnologies. In: Smreková, D. (ed.): Podoby zodpovednosti: filozofické reflexie o aktuálnych spoločenských problémoch. Bratislava: Iris, p. 137-163 ISBN 978-80-8200-030-9.
Nové formy života? Filozofické reflexie syntetickej biológie = New Forms of Life? Philosophical Reflections on Synthetic Biology. Filozofia, Vol. 73, No. 6, p. 437-448. ISSN 0046-385X.
Heterotopias and transformations in art and science. World Literature Studies, Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 3-13. ISSN 1337-9275.
Pohyb poza hranice: intermediálne a transmediálne vzťahy = Movement behind borders: intermediality and transmediality relations. World Literature Studies, Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 29-39. ISSN 1337-9275.
Biosocialita: Sociálne dôsledky biovedeckého poznania = Biosociality: Social Consequences of Biosocial Knowledge. Filozofia, Vol. 70, No. 5, p. 356-366. ISSN 0046-385X.
Heideggerova analýza moderného myslenia a biovedecký výskum = Heidegger’s Analysis of Modern Thought and Bio-Scientific Research. Filozofia, Vol. 70, No. 9, p. 703-714. ISSN 0046-385X.
Heideggers Humanismuskritik und der gegenwärtige Transhumanismus = Heideggers criticism of humanism and the contemporary transhumanism. In: The Yearbook on History and Interpretation of Phenomenology 2013: Person – Subject – Organism: An Overview of Interdisciplinary Insights / Editor-In-Chief Anton Vydra. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2014, p. 139-156. ISSN 2198-8595.
Život v zóne biomoci. Etický a biopolitický diskurz o transhumanizme = Life in the Zone of Biopower: Ethical and Biopolitical Dis-courses on Transhumanism. Filozofia, Vol. 69, No. 6, p. 461-471. ISSN 0046-385X.
Existential analytics and the social sciences. In: ŠAJDA, P. et al.: Affectivity, agency and intersubjectivity. Budapest: L´Harmattan, p. 96-110. ISBN 978-963-236-587-9.