PHDr. Jozef LENČ, PhD.
is a political scientist and research associate of Center for Bioethics with special interest in political analysis of future political systems and democracy in the post-human future. He is an assistant professor and faculty member of the Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts of University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia.
Contact: jozef.lenc. (at) ucmsk

Professional interests: Political science; Current and future challenges of politics; Dystopian novels; The relationship between religions and politics; Political philosophy
Consultancy expertise: Analysis of the current political situation in Slovakia; The position of muslims in Slovakia; Philosophical aspects of popularization of science and technology
Managerial competencies: Speaker of the Academic Senate of the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (2018 - present)
Teaching experience: Introduction to political science (undergraduate course, seminar); Introduction to the study of state and law (undergraduate course, lectures); Introduction to sociology (undergraduate course, lectures); Social philosophy (graduate course, lectures); Islamic and Jewish philosophy (graduate course, lectures)
Miscellaneous: Parliamentary debates and American football