Literature in bioethics and bioethics in literature

literature in bioethics and bioethics in literature

Project name: VEGA 2/0163/22 – Literature in bioethics and bioethics in literature

Principal investigator: Mgr. Bogumiła Suwara, PhD. (ÚSvL SAV)

Representative for the Resort of Education: doc. Mgr. Jana Tomašovičová, PhD. (FF UCM)

Investigators: prof. RNDr. Peter Sýkora, PhD. (FF UCM); Mgr. Andrej Rozemberg, PhD. (FF UCM); Mgr. Mariusz Pisarski, PhD. (FF UCM); PhDr. Tomáš Károly, PhD. (FF UCM); Mgr. Sára Špirková (FF UCM); Mgr. Ondrej Hriadel (FF UCM); Mgr. Kristián Valachovič (FF UCM); Mgr. Tomáš Gašpar (FF UCM); doc. PhDr. Pavol Rankov, PhD. (FF UK); Mgr. Ivan Lacko, PhD. (FF UK); Mgr. Zuzana Panák Husárová, PhD. (PdF UK)

Time period of the project: 2022 – 2025

Subsidy education funding for 2022:  8 937,- Eur


The project “Literature in bioethics and bioethics in literature” is inspired by the concept of interdiscursive relations of elaborated by leading French linguist D. Maingueneau (2004), and the concept of narrative bioethics (H. Dubiel 2011). The object of research within the presented project is the analysis of the relations between literary (media) and bioethical (philosophical) discourse. The aim of the project is to shift the boundaries of the analysis of interdiscursive communication between literature (in a boarder sense) and bioethics from the traditional depiction analysis of doctor-patient relationship in the literature towards the so-called humanistic turn in bioethics. From a methodological point of view it means that literature and art create a space for enriching a narrowly rationalist ethical discourse with humanistic, philosophical, and psychological aspects, including a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach to applied ethics, especially bioethics.