doc. Mgr. Tomáš ČANA, PhD.
is a philosopher and research associate of UCM CB with a special interest in epistemology, logic, philosophy of science and philosophy of language. He is an assistant professor and faculty member of the Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts of University Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia.
Contact: tomas.cana. (at) ucmsk

Professional interests: Theory of meaning; Rule-following considerations; Theory of communication; Private language argument; Other minds problem; Epistemology of logic; Problem of demarcation of scientific knowledge; Meta-philosophy
Consultancy expertise: Epistemology; Logic, Philosophy of science; Philosophy of language, Semantics; Meta-philosophy
Teaching experience: Introduction to logic (undergraduate course, lectures, seminar); Logic for advanced (undergraduate course, lectures, seminar); Epistemology (undergraduate course, lectures, seminar); Classical british empiricism (undergraduate course, lectures) Philosophy of science (graduate course, lectures, seminar); Philosophy of language (graduate course, lectures); Wittgenstein on epistemological status of logic (graduate course, lectures)
Miscellaneous: Big fan of FC Barcelona
Selected publications and presentations

Knowledge of language and a radical scepticism. In: Filozofia i nauka: Studia filozoficzne i interdyscyplinarne. - ISSN 2300-4711. - Vol. 7, No. 2, p. 265-281.
O metajazykovom odmietnutí zlomyseľného klamára = On Metalinguistic Rejection of the Evil Genius. In: Filozofia, Vol. 74, No. 4, (2019) p. 291-307.
Dummett o kruhovosti pri argumentovaní = Dummett on the Circularity in the Argumentation. In: Filozofia, Vol. 73, No. 6, (2018) p. 469-480.
Wittgenstein on epistemological status of logic. In: Filozofia. - ISSN 0046-385X. - Vol. 68, No. 4 (2013), p. 309-318.
The later Wittgenstein on logical rules. In: Filosofický časopis: Studie k filosofii Ludwiga Wittgensteina. - ISBN 978-80-7007-339-1. - ISSN 0015-1831. - mimoriadne No. 2 , p. 63-83.