PhDr. Tomáš Károly, PhD.
is an assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava with a special interest in metaphysics and analytical philosophy.
Contact: tomas.karoly(at)

Professional interests: causality, dispositional properties, laws of nature, ontology.
Consultancy expertise: logic, metaphysics, bioethics, personal identity, human nature.
Teaching experience: critical thinking: logic (undergraduate course, lectures), ontology (undergraduate course, lectures), bioethics (undergraduate course, lectures), epistemology (undergraduate course, seminar), problems of modern philosophy (undergraduate course, lectures), personal identity (graduate course, lectures), science and technology (graduate course, lectures), postmodern philosophy (graduate course, lectures).
Miscellaneous: Ski jumping
Selected publications and presentations

O empirickej nevyhnutnosti – kategorické, dispozičné vlastnosti a zákony prírody. = On empirical necessity - categorical, dispositional properties and laws of nature. In Pro-Fil 23(1), 2022. s. 28-42.
Odhaľovanie kauzálnych väzieb. = Revealing of causal connection. In Ostium, roč. 12, 2016, č. 2.
Tri interpretácie Humovej teórie príčinnosti a problém falošných príčin. = Three Interpretations of Hume’s Theory of Causation and the Problem of Spurious Causes. In Ostium, roč. 11, 2015, č. 4.