The Centre for bioethics at UCM (UCM CB) is a scientific, educational, advisory, and consultancy institute dedicated to research and popularization of bioethics in Slovakia. UCM CB was established by prof. RnDr Peter Sýkora, PhD. in 2008 as a first centre of its kind in Slovakia. It is based at the Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia.
It is our understanding, that the dynamic character of development in biology, medicine, information technology present unprecedented challenges and opportunities for the reevaluation in the discourse on ethics, legislation and social policy. UCM CB is a pluralistic and multidisciplinary institute focused on philosophical, ethical, medical, political, social, and creative ways of knowledge on the contemporary bioethical challenges and issues. The main goal of the CB is to establish a regional network of specialists dedicated to research and popularization of bioethics in its broader understanding, including medical ethics, biomedical ethics, environmental ethics, global ethics, philosophy of technology and technology assessment.
- Creating a network of specialists dedicated to bioethical issues from different disciplines. The UCM CB aims to enrich philosophical, ethical, medical, scientific, technical, political, social, civic, managerial, and creative knowledge on contemporary bioethical challenges.
- Implementing specialized classes and coursed covering bioethics for students of humanities, science, and technical disciplines. Realizing workshops, specialized seminars and consultations for government and private healthcare, research, and technology sector.
- Establishing cooperation with the Ethical Commission of Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, Commission for Biological Security of Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. Maintaining bioethical standards of Slovak Republic in accordance with values, research projects and incentives of the European Union and the Visegrad group.
- Provide solutions for domestic and regional issues in research and education on contemporary bioethical problems. Offer systematic analysis and reports on technological impacts on society and individuals.
- Create a platform for dialogue between science, philosophy, ethics, and religions as well as developing a fair discussion between different bioethical and biopolitical agents
- Raise public awareness about bioethical issues throughout media, presentations, conferences, discussions, and other popularizing activities. Help with the advancement of cultivation of discussions relevant to the field of bioethics.

Our Team
prof. RNDr. Peter Sýkora, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Jana Tomašovičová, PhD.
Deputy Director
Research associate

doc. Mgr. Tomáš Čana, PhD.
Research associate

PhDr. Jozef Lenč, PhD.
Research associate

Mgr. Andrej Rozemberg, PhD.
Research associate

Mariusz Pisarski, PhD.
Research associate

PhDr. Tomáš Károly, PhD.
Research associate

Mgr. Peter Takáč
PhD. student

Mgr. Pavlína Bakošová
PhD. student

Mgr. Ondrej Hriadel
Web administration
PhD. student

- Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Institute for Research in Social Communication, Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava
- Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
- University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava