Nano-Bio-Info-Cognitive Technologies and the Human of XXI Century
Multidisciplinary Conference
27. November 2015
Bratislava, Slovakia
Centre for Bioethics UCM, Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava in cooperation with Institute for Research in Social Communication Slovak Academy of Sciences cordially invite you to attend the multidisciplinary conference.
The multidisciplinary conference Nano-bio-info-cognitive technologies and XXI. century human was funded by Slovak Research and Development Agency (SRDA/APVV) grant No. APVV 379-12.
Conference date: 27.11.2015
Conference location: Goetheho inštitút, Panenská 23, Bratislava.
Conference type: Multidisciplinary conference.
Conference topics: Technological, social and ethical impacts NBIC technologies.
The full programe (sk version) can be downloaded from here.