prof. RNDr. Peter SÝKORA, PhD.
is a philosopher, microbiologist, professor of philosophy, founder and director of CB UCM with a special interest in human genome editing (safety, ethical and social aspects), bioethics, biology, social sciences and Aristotle´s metaphysics
Contact: peter.sykora. (at) ucmsk

Professional interests: Human Genome Editing: safety, ethical and social aspects; Bioethics (biomedical donation, hESCs); Biology and Social Sciences (infanticide); Biology and Aristotle´s Metaphysics
Teaching experience: Ontology; Introduction to bioethics; Biomedical ethics; Philosophy of biology; Evolution of social behaviour
Selected publications and presentations

Germline genome editing and human nature. In. Peter Sýkora (ed.): Promises and perilis of emerging technologies for human condition: Voices from four postcommunist Central and East European countries. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019, ISBN:978-3-631-78310-8
Promises and perilis of emerging technologies for human condition: Voices from four postcommunist Central and East European countries / Peter Sýkora (2019) - (Editor). 1. edition - Berlin (Germany) : Peter Lang, 2019, ISBN:978-3-631-78310-8
Defining Biomedia: On the Importance of Transcoding and Remediation / Sýkora, Peter (2019). In: Remediation: Crossing Discursive Boundaries. Central European Perspective. Bogumila Suwara, Mariusz Pisarski (eds.). - 1. edition - Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019, ISBN 978- 3-631-79504-0, p. 57-72.
K posthumánnemu človeku prostredníctvom editovania génov pre kognitívne schopnosti = Towards the Posthuman Through the Editing of Genes for Cognitive Capabilities. Filozofia. - ISSN 0046-385X, Vol. 74, No. 7 (2019), p. 511-529.
Moderný návrat k Aristotelovi: hylomorfné verzus historické esencie = Modern Return to Aristotle: Hylomorphic versus Historical Essences. In: Filozofia, roč. 73, č. 6. s. 425-436.
Germline Gene Therapy in the Era of Precise Genome Editing: How Far Should We Go? In: Marta Soniewicka (ed.): The Ethics of Reproductive Genetics: Between Utility, Principles, and Virtues (Philosophy and Medicine) Publisher: Springer.
SYKORA, P., CAPLAN, A. (2017) The Council of Europe should not reaffirm the ban on germline genome editing in humans, EMBO REPORTS, 18(11), pp. 1871–1872. doi: 10.15252/embr.201745246.
SÝKORA, P., CAPLAN, A. (2017) Germline gene therapy is compatible with human dignity, EMBO REPORTS, 18(12), p. 2086. doi: 10.15252/embr.201745378.
Etika biotechnologických zásahov do ľudského genómu: Argumenty rizikovosti a zničenia ľudskej prirodzenosti = The Ethics of Biotechnological Interventions into Human Genome: Arguments of High Risk and Destroying Human Nature. Filozofia Vol.70, No.5, p. 329-342.
Ontológia šera: Filozofická esej o spore realizmu s antirealizmom = Twilight ontology: A philosophical essay on the dispute between realism and antirealism. Pusté Úľany: Schola Philosopica 2008, 285 pages, ISBN 978-80-969823-2-5.