Mgr. Peter TAKÁČ
is PhD. student at the Department of Philosophy and applied philosophy on Faculty of Arts, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. His field of research is: aesthetics (Problems of Lookism, Transhuman aesthetics, Human Aesthetics Enhancement), ethics, biomedical ethics (Plastic surgery enhancements) and bioethics topics and research associate of Center for Bioethics with a special interest in aesthetics human enhancement.
Contact: pete.takac. (at) gmailcom

Professional interests: Aesthetic of human Enhancement; Ethics; Aesthetics; Bioethics and medicine ethics
Consultancy expertise: Specialization on aesthetics human enhancement.
Managerial competencies: Participation on events organization LOQUERE I., II., Department of Philosophy and applied philosophy, FA UCM., participation on project Sci-Fi philosophy.
Teaching experience: Special text. seminar history of philosophy; Introduction to philosophy; Special text. seminar epistemology.
Miscellaneous: Artist and book illustrator, black cat fan, and collector of antique dictionaries.
Selected publications and presentations

The Current Problems of Lookism. In: Global Bioethics / 21 st. Internationl Conference: Ethical Thinking Past and Present. (ETPP 2019 /21 ), UNESCO Chair in Bioethics: Faculty of Arts, University of Prešov.
Aesthetic Human Enahancement. Young Philosophy 2018, FÚ SAV, Bratislava.
Odorčák, J., Takáč, P.: Automatization of beauty: Technological and aesthetical paradoxes of human enhancement. Aesthethic human enhancement. Týždeň vedy a techniky, UCM 2018, Department of Philosophy and applied philosophy, FA UCM.
The Architecture of Self. In: Peter Fraňo, Mária Jakúbeková, Peter Takáč (eds.): Loquere II, Trnava: FF UCM, 2018.